Dark Border
Dark Border
Dark Border

The Dark Zone

     * The latest on this subject can be found here. *

     [En] Experts Exchange sucks and fails user support (2009.09.29)

     [En] Electronic Arts fails at everything (2009.09.17)

     [En] Why Digital Rights Management software fails (2009.09.17)

     [Ro] X ani de la lovitura de stat din '89 (2009.04.04)

     [Ro] Cum isi minte si pacaleste Ultra Pro clientii (2009.02.16)

     [Ro] UPC: cel mai varza provider de internet din Romania (2009.01.10)

     [En] The case against SecuROM (2009.06.01)

Welcome to the Dark Side

This is the Dark Area of the Underworld, the zone where everyone that deserves punishment gets it.

Dark Border
End of the page.
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